Do humans have free will?

David Shuern
2 min readFeb 7, 2024


Free will is indeed something that makes people doubt. Many people question whether they have free will and can decide everything. In my view, determinism explains the various phenomena we see today because it is based on the undefeated law of causality. So, even though many people do not believe in the theory of determinism, it’s just like ancient people not believing that the Earth is round due to insufficient evidence, but the facts may be correct.

Today, I am not here to discuss whether humans have free will, but we can discover many things from many aspects. We can only decide on one choice, but we cannot choose the “choice” of its occurrence. For example, in an election, you may have the right, the obligation, and even the ability to decide on your leader, but you cannot stop the election from happening, nor can you predict the future of your choice.

Many people believe they can control their fate, but fate may offer various choices, yet it cannot predict your choices with one hundred percent certainty. It’s impossible to stop one option after another from approaching you, making you seem passive.

Today, I can choose whether to punch you, but I can’t stop the thought of making this choice from appearing in your mind, just as if it’s fate in front of us.

We can’t say determinism is entirely correct, nor can humans have no free will, because everything seems to be interwoven and interacting, without just one way to allow humans to survive and continue living.

In other words, every human can choose an option but cannot prevent the appearance of this option. If you insist that determinism is everything, everyone has the freedom to make their own choices, absolutely having free will to choose everything for themselves. Perhaps our previous free will choices will affect the direction of future decisions, but this does not mean there is no will of one’s own.

However, if you say humans have complete free will, that’s also not entirely correct because when you make a choice, you can’t choose the “choices” that appear; they are entirely beyond the scope of your free will. Everything in the universe is an object of your choice; you may only be able to change everything and select everything, but you cannot stop or choose not to let the option appear. Therefore, free will is not entirely granted to every human but to everything in the universe.

This theory is neither purely determinism nor purely free will. I want to call it Free Determinism.

